Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Abyss

Life is a dreary parade of the same mistakes over and over again. There seems to be no learning - I sense myself slipping towards the same cliff-edge. The pattern of events is depressingly familiar. A lack of options, ennui, desparation, temporary insanity, short-lived bliss, anger, tears, humiliation. The pain far outweighs any pleasure that one might have imagined. One picks up the pieces of one's ego, moves on and thinks one has learnt.
I turn a corner only to find its the same as the one I've left behind - the props have changed, I haven't. I don't need this right now - wish I could save me from myself! I should have a warning sign lit in neon, placed all around me - a bright red, flashing cocoon of explosive material. Stay away world! I beg of you...
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