Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The blog and me

svairini - thats me...rather a word that signifies most of what i believe in and stand for.
Its a Sanskrit word that means bold, unattached woman of independant means who chooses not to wed any man.
Its also a sadly misinterpreted word (say like gauche, sinister) that over the years was also used to describe lesbians and the like...
Basically, allied to a man or you are not normal.
That one phrase- not normal, pretty much sums up what most people think of me. But then, they dont matter.
I am proud to be a svairini, an independant woman who chooses to be single, a quirkyalone to use a more contemporary word. An Indian woman with sensibilities that could belong any place - Delhi, Bangalore, London or New York
P.S: This blog is also dedicated to other fans of Michael Schumacher, George Clooney, high-tech gadgetry, fast cars and slow men(are there any other kind ;-), not necessarily in that order

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cant agree more to this.... good ur not a most are (incldg me!! ) takes guts.. lots of live ones life nowadays..the way one wants it to be.. good luck on the journey... it will be way more interesting.

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